Kim Dang

On her way to work at Fred’s Tailors at Sobeys on Mumford Road, Kim Dang often sees people of different cultures heading to ISANS office. Like them, Kim came to the organization – then the Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association (MISA) – for assistance when she arrived in Canada. Kim and … Read more

Nader Parsarad

Nader Parsarad’s workshop on the Old Sambro Road is reflective of another era. Here the Iranian immigrant practices his unique trade of an artisan blacksmith with tools he makes by hand, forging metal over a fire. Nader came to Canada in 2001 on an artists’ trip to Toronto, sponsored by … Read more

Anna Gregus

Anna Gregus

December 5, 1992, is a day that Anna Gregus will always remember: she became one of ISANS first settlement workers. “I knew this is the job for me. I had the skills and the experience that I could use. It was one of the best days in Canada; I was … Read more

abir hussein

Abir Hassan Hussein

When Dr. Abir Hussein arrived in Canada in 2009, she was surprised to learn how difficult the process is for international physicians to practice medicine here. The native of Egypt was a General Practitioner in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, and her husband, Islam Eissa, was an Internist. “When we … Read more

Jeevan Saldanha

Jeevan Saldanha, President of SHAP Industrial Ltd., may live in Halifax but he works globally. The native of Bombay came here via Kuwait where he worked for 17 years in engineering, on-site fabrication and service provision in the oil and gas industry. Jeevan, who has a degree in mechanical engineering, … Read more

Hamed Soleimani

Mechanical engineer Hamed Soleimani arrived in Nova Scotia in December 2012 from Iran with 10 years work experience, but without the realization of how hard it would be to become an accredited engineer here. Luckily, he discovered the Career Pathway Loan Fund at Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) … Read more

Ramin Hamiki

“I’m a new graduate with 20 years’ experience!” exclaims Ramin Hakimi, reflecting on his status as a Canadian-accredited dentist. When Ramin arrived here in February 2013, the Iranian-trained dentist declared that within two years he would conquer the roadblocks to practising in Canada. He has succeeded, thanks to ISANS’ Career … Read more

Ineke Graham

If not for a Dutch doctor’s desire for a country with open spaces, Halifax would never have been blessed with Studio 21 Fine Art Gallery. The contemporary studio was founded by Ineke Graham who came to Canada as a 17-year-old in 1954 with her parents and all but two of … Read more

Suha Masalmeh

Because of Suha Masalmeh’s determination to practice medicine in Nova Scotia, citizens of Cape Breton will have the services of a passionate, dedicated and skilled doctor. As a family medicine resident, Suha has been working at a community clinic and a local hospital since May 2013. She works with people … Read more

Plamen Petkov

One might not expect to find a lawyer from Bulgaria in the Annapolis Valley, but Plamen Petkov is happily settled in the small town of Kentville where he is a partner at Taylor MacLellan Cochrane, an active volunteer, and supporter of immigrants. Plamen left home in 2002 to study law … Read more

Elfinesh Zewde

Soon after coming to Halifax in 1988 Elfinesh Zewde and her husband ran into a fellow Ethiopian. She saw it as a good sign. “We were so happy. He took us to see another Ethiopian family. God is taking care of us, I thought.” Elfinesh, now Senior Financial Reporting Accountant … Read more

Pete Luckett

Pete’s Frootique; The Food Hunter television series; Luckett’s Vineyards; three cookbooks; overseas food tours, public presentations – the list of accomplishments for a grocer from England who now employs 500 people is seemingly endless. As a Boy Scout, Pete Luckett developed an interest in travel and adventure that would serve … Read more